#1 - 572 39th St N
Lethbridge, Alberta
T1H 6Y2
P: 403-381-6806
F: 403-320-6332
We provide registration services and fuel tax preparation for
our International Fuel Tax clients. This is a voluntary program for
truck drivers who commonly work outside the province to ensure
proper allocation of fuel tax between jurisdictions. If you drive
outside the province you are required to carry a permit each time
you cross the border, or you can carry an IFTA license which allows
free travel between provinces where you report fuel and mileage on
a quarterly basis to determine your fee, if any.
To process IFTA we need the following information:
Contact us if you would like to apply for IFTA, or would like us
to process your returns.
If you operate a semi truck, whether you own it, or drive a
company truck, you should consider incorporating your company.
There are many benefits to incorporating which include a lower tax
rate (corporations pay almost half the tax rate of
proprietorships), and the ability to claim meals using the
simplified method at $51 per day.
If you hire contracted drivers who drive your truck we are
strongly recommending that you have them incorporate if they
haven’t already. The CRA may determine that your contract drivers
are employees rather than contractors. This can be very costly if
the CRA hits you with past payroll deductions and huge penalties.
Please contact us if you have unincorporated contractors that want
to pay as employees.
As of February 25, 2011 the Alberta Government has discontinued
the PROP & TEFU programs.